24.2.2011 | 09:51
Shamballa skóli í Kambódíu-styrktur af shamballasjóðnum
Innan shamballa hreyfingarinnar er starfandi sjóður sem kallast Shamballafoundation.
Aðalhlutverk sjóðsins sem er góðgerðasjóður er að styrkja verkefni í þróunarlöndum í anda shamballa og kærleika.Stærsta verkefnið er rekstur skóla í Kambódíu en fjölmargir fyrrum flóttamenn frá Kambódíu sem nú búa í Frakklandi eru innan shamballa MDH.
Skólinn hefur nú hafið rekstur og í dag kom greinagerð frá stjórnendum þar um nokkra af þeim nemendum sem eru styrktir til náms við skólann.
Annað verkefni er kennsla shamballa og gjöf á homopatavél í Senegal.Það er ljóst að víða er hægt að rétta hjálparhönd með kærleika að leiðarljósi.
Hægt er að lesa meira um sjóðinn á www.shamballafoundation.org Þú getur líka lesið meira um Hari Baba og þjónustu hans á http://www.worldpujas.com/index.htm en vígslur eða blessun sem hann framkvæmir mánaðarlega er opinfyrir alla.

Girl # 225- Ran Sponsor's name: Shamballa School of Esoteric SciencesProfile: So Ran is a 14-year-old student in Grade 7 at the The Shamballa Family School, which is located in Trapeng Phong Village, Preah Khe Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province.
Current situation: Ran is the last child and the only daughter from her family who still remains in school. Two of her older sisters are married and live separately. Unfortunately, Ran and her parents have moved to live with one of them because their hut was too small and broken. So her older brother dropped out of school when he was in grade 6 to work as a construction worker in Phnom Penh to make his own living.The family owns a small plot of land for growing rice and makes Khmer noodles to earn their living. However, all this income still cant cover their daily needs. Ran also helps her parents by working on the farm, making Khmer noodles and other doing other housework. Unfortunately, her fathers health is not good as well.After meeting and learning about the GBA project, Rans mother was happy for the opportunity to have her daughter attend school with the financial support from the program. She promises to send her to school regularly.Support: We will pay her family $10 a month for her perfect attendance.
Reported by: Chhin SoknaDate Posted: February 23, 2011
Girl #221- Sovan Sponsors name: Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences
Profile: Seang Sovan is a 16-year-old student in Grade 7 at the Shamballa Family School, which is located in Trapeng Phong Village, Preah Khe Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province.
Current Situation: There are 6 children in Sovans family. She has two sisters and three brothers. She is the third child in the family. Her family owns a house and a half of hectare of land for growing rice. They can make about 500kg of rice per year and feed their chickens and one cow. However, the crops cant cover their needs through out the year. So the parents also make Khmer noodles for additional income, which they can earn about $3.00 but only when their neighbor ask them to do for their celebrations. Despite this income, Sovans family still faces financial problems to cover their daily expenses. Unfortunately, Sovans oldest brother dropped out of school when he was in grade 7 to work in Thailand. Her older sister also dropped out of school when she was in grade 6 to work in a factory in Phnom Penh to help support her family for several months. However, she recently returned home to her family due to health problems.Sometimes her parents ask her to stay home from school to help them make the Khmer noodles or do other work to get additional income and to help pay their debt of $150. After meeting and learning more about the GBA program, Sovan and her parents are happy for the opportunity for her to attend school with the support from the program.
Support: We will pay the family $10 per month for her perfect attendance.
Reported by: Chhin SoknaDate posted: February 23, 2011
Girl #222- Chanthy Sponsors name: Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences
Profile: : Vong Chanthy is a 15-year-old student in Grade 7 at the Shamballa Family School, which is located in the Trapeng Phong Village, Preah Khe Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province.Current Situation: Chanthy has one sister and one brother and her parents are farmers. They own half a hectare of land for growing crops, some cucumbers and feed one cow as their main income to support the family. Despite all this work, they still cant cover their daily needs. So her oldest sister dropped out of school when she was in grade 6 to work as a day laborer for additional income. Also, the family is in debt to buy the rice seed for farming. Because of the poverty and living condition, Chathy, is also forced to help her parents. She works in the field especially during harvest season. Sometimes, she also works in her neighbors field in order to make more money. However, she still tries to attend school. After understanding and enrolling in the GBA program, Chanthy promised to attend school regularly with this opportunity.
Support: We will pay the family $10 per month for her perfect attendance.
Reported by: Chhin SoknaDate posted: February 23, 2011
Girl #223- Vandy Sponsor's name: Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences
Profile: Soeun Vandy is a 14 year-old student in Grade 7 at the Shamballa Family School, which is located in Trapeng Phong Village, Preah Khe Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province.
Current situation: The family has five members: Vandy, two sisters and her parents. Her mother, a farmer, owns a small plot of land for growing rice and harvests the crops once a year. The father, a construction worker, earns about $25 a month. However, this small income cant cover all the members for food or other expense. So her mother also makes some cakes and feeds two cows for her neighbor for additional income. Unfortunately, Vandys mother is having chronic health problems, so they spend most of their income for her treatment. Vandy, sometimes helps her mother sell the cakes in the village and work on the farm during the harvest season. She also helps her cousin with sewing and can earn about $0.75 per day to use for buying her school supplies or some food.After meeting and learning more about the GBA program, Vandy and her parents were happy about this opportunity for their daughter. So now with the help of the program she can attend school regularly.Support: We will pay her family $10 a month for her perfect attendance.
Reported by: Chhin SoknaDate Posted: February 23, 2011
Girl #224- Kimleang Sponsor's name: Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences
Profile: Net Kimleang is a 15-year-old student in Grade 7 at the Shamballa Family School, which is located in Trapeng Phong Village, Preah Khe Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province.
Current situation: Kimleang has one sister who is 17 and in grade10. Their father passed a way when they were young. Her mother, Mrs. Sokhoen, owns a plot of land for growing rice and other crops. Unfortunately, the yearly harvest cant support them through out the year nor cover their other expenses. In order to make additional income, Kimleangs mother makes rice cakes to support her two daughters. Sometimes their neighbor gives them rice or food when they have nothing to eat. Kimleang, helps her mother on the farm and sometimes helps sell the rice cakes to earn their living. The other problem for Kimleang is that she and her sister have only one bicycle and both study at different schools. So sometimes Kimleang, must walk very far to attend her school.After meeting with the GBA staff and learning more about the program, Kimleang, her mother is very happy for the opportunity to attend school with the support from the program.
Support: We will pay her family $10 a month for her perfect attendance.Reported by: Chhin SoknaDate Posted: February 23, 2011
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