18.10.2011 | 18:34
Hugleišsla frį Baba į ensku
Channeled by John Armitage on 21st August 2011 Transcribed by Kathleen Daykin
So close your eyes and take some deep breaths and open your hearts
I am that I am; the Mahatma in Love ..
So first of all I am going to call upon the collective consciousness of all of the beings in the upstairs department that are on the Shamballa team . And also I call for the presence of the energy of Germain ..
And now in this moment we are going to increase the vibration of the energy in our vortex and of the crystals and of the skulls .
Again; activate, activate, activate. And again; activate, activate, activate.
So, a good afternoon brothers and sisters of Shamballa, and a good afternoon masters. And you may recognize my energy, it is I, Germain, who come to speak with you and who also come to interact with you now in this activity, this activation
First of all I will just pass on a few words from my heart to you. These few words are first of all a very big thank you for the energy and attention and as you call it focus that you are putting into keeping the true essence of the philosophy that myself and our channel here is sharing with the world. And of course I have asked for this- we shall call it philosophy of Shamballa to be kept together in the purist possible form so that the energy that runs through it when this philosophy is passed on to people and when the activations are given to people is the true essence of the energy of Shamballa and that is what they receive. It is most important.
Those of you that have been holding the essence and purity of the philosophy see what a difference it makes to people when you pass it to them in the purist form that is possible for you to do. You can see how efficient it is in assisting people to make the changes necessary for them to take steps into their mastery and freedom and opening their heart in this Divine Love.
So I would give you a very heartfelt thank you for this. Of course everything is in the hands of the Divine or in the hands of Mother Father God. All that we can do you in your reality and us in multidimensional realities we can just hold a vision of the continuity of this purity or the continuity of the flow of the pure essence and the philosophy of Shamballa and we will hold a vision in our hearts that more and more people understand that this is the way that it works best. This is the way that the energy does its work, in the most efficient way - rather than to change it and to contort it and then claim that it is the essence of it or make claims that: now I have the real version of this. Because this happens sometimes as you may have observed.
So this big thank you to you and I just again encourage you to hold this vision in your hearts and to hold this vision in your minds and we will begin the meditation by asking you to put some focus now into what you call your third eye. Just allow your attention to go there. Please dont make this difficult or hard for yourselves. There is, remember, no struggle. We do not struggle, we just do. There is a big difference.
So we allow our attention to go there. And as we allow our attention to go to our third eyes you can imagine, now, a diamond in your third eye. Imagine this multi-facetted diamond sometimes known as the Shamballa diamond. Just allow this diamond to be multi-facetted. It does not matter how many facets it has or how the facets are made, just allow that it has facets.
Now we are going to activate this Shamballa diamond with the pure essence of the energy of the Shamballa philosophy. So we activate, activate, activate. And now we just see or imagine or feel-you have done this so many times before so now this pure essence of the Shamballa energy is radiating from each individual facet of the diamond in your third eye and it is radiating outwards from you .
To assist you in this we can use the breathing that Babaji used this morning; as you breathe out just see that the energy is brighter and brighter every time that you breathe out When you breathe in you could affirm that; the energy is within me or the Shamballa essence is within me, I am that, I am Whichever suits you or is easiest for you and in your own language of course it does not have to be in the English language.
So every time that you breathe in you will open yourself further to the flow and every time that you breathe out you imagine the radiation through the diamond in your third eye .. and we are going to spend some moments now on these cycles of breaths also emptying your lungs when you breathe out .
And now I remind you that we conduct this activity without desire of the result. Please do not hold any desire in your minds or in your hearts. Just allow this energy to radiate through this amplifier and allow this energy to radiate through the diamonds .. And we know that the energy is intelligent and it knows what it needs to do and where it needs to go. We are just the transmitters and amplifiers of this energy .. As it radiates from you, you could imagine it flowing all over the planet, or flowing through the planet or even expanding into the Universe if you like. Please no struggling with any of it. Whichever activity is compatible with the way that you think and the way that you operate just do that and just continue in that way. Altogether the energy will find its place .
And now as this radiation is taking place from our third eye, we are going to duplicate the energy of the Shamballa diamond the collective consciousness of it and we are going to bring it into the true heart chakra. So now we will have this energy in the heart and this energy in the third eye. And now totally under the will of your I Am Presences and the will of your Monads and Divine Will we active the Shamballa diamond in the heart. WE activate, activate, activate
And now you can imagine or see or feel or allow that also when you are breathing outwards that there is a radiation of this energy from your heart chakra that is intermingled or interlaced with the Divinity of this Love without conditions; the Divine Love. Again in your own way it goes across the Earth or goes across the Universe you can choose.
The energy, as I said to you, knows where to go and knows what to do
So now totally in accordance with Divine Will and the will of all of the I Am Presences and the will of the Monadic selves of all beings that have had the Shamballa energy passed to them; we call upon their I Am Presences and we call upon their Monadic selves and in accordance with their own will let us see this radiation from our third eyes and from our hearts this radiation of the facets of the diamonds actually touching their hearts and their third eyes . The whole of the Shamballa family total on the whole planet .. and also the Shamballa family of the beings that live inside the planet; the underground dwellers, let us include them in our activity now at a request from one of their leaders ..
So this is it, just keep the energy moving and keep the rhythm of the breath and the transmissions . This will build up a very, very focused and strong flow of energy radiating from this place
So now again, with full permissions, according to the previously stated affirmations; Divine Will, the will of everybodys I Am Presence and their Divine Selves, we are going to now from your energy vortex within which you are doing this activity, we are going to connect the energy vortex to this place in time and space that is known as Shamballa. We know that there are many concepts of the place of the etherical city of Shamballa, or whether there is a city of Shamballa in the fifth dimension, or other realities and such questions. The answer is that Shamballa is a point of perfection, and this point of perfection exists in every point in time and space. As living things, not only human in the human form in your multidimensional selves, remember you are living in this eternal time and eternal space so you are this also this point of perfection yourself . And the only reason that you may not understand this at this point is that you may have forgotten by becoming too immersed in the dense reality So we are going to connect the energy vortex to the crystaline city of Shamballa in the fifth realm or the fifth dimension .. And from this shall we say concentrated point of the energy of perfection we are going to start to radiate this into our energy vortex so of course it will also radiate into you as individuals ..
So we make that connection NOW . And activate the connection; activate, activate, activate. So we will sit and allow this to get firmly grounded through us for some moments . So continue the transmissions please
While you are all radiating this energy of the point of perfection in every point of time and space, remember on every level of existence in creation, and let us just allow it to flow to the whole of our family and to those who are open in themselves to receive it and be touched by it. Remember, again, no desire as to the outcome
So now, in our minds eye, or in our imagination, our vision or however you do it as an individual, let us just imagine that all of these Shamballa masters that are looking inwards are actually now turning round and looking outwards . And as they look outwards that this energy of Divine Love that we are passing to them, and this energy of the pure essence of Shamballa also flows from their hearts in an open way. And as it flows in this open way, it radiates also and they join us in the radiation, and the radiation becomes stronger again Stronger again and stronger again so therefore it is possible for it to go out and touch the hearts of more people .. So just allow the cycle to continue; radiate, radiate, radiate .
So now let us imagine that more and more of them are turning outwards and that this Divinity of Love is openly flowing through them each and every one of us we can also allow this Divinity of Love intermingled with this pure essence of the energy of Shamballa, we can also open to receive it ourselves. As we receive it our diamonds amplify it and we then allow it to flow from us again
As we are doing this activity, I Germain, am going to firmly manifest in the collective consciousness of our family that we ARE a family. We may be from all kinds of nations and philosophical backgrounds and colors and different countries but in fact we are a family of Divine Light. I also remind you that it is not always necessary that everybody agrees with each other 110% or even 100%. Remember as humans you are all one but you are also individuals within this one and you are entitled to have the freedom to form your own ideas and the way that you personally interact with others and interact with the energy; it is all individual .
I am going to put some information into the collective consciousness of the family that actually we are all one, we are a family of Light, and this is the first thing that we all need to remember. That firstly we are a family of Light and through the Light that we hold and through the Love that we allow to flow through our hearts and the realization of the Divinity of Love that we have had as individuals, should take us beyond judgment of the individual, judgment of nations, judgments of the Earth, judgment of all beings ..
As you remember to live in the mode of allowance and just allow the openness of Love to flow through you and secondly I would reaffirm my first statement just by wording it in a different way that it is OK to be different, it is OK not to agree with every individual, but that this must be done in the energy of Love and no judgment So this is what I add this to the energy of Shamballa as it flows to everybody as a reminder . Love, Love, Love, allow, allow, allow, dont fight, dont struggle . Remember you are already perfection; just understand that and you become it .. consciously .
So now as we send this vibration through the family, let us again imagine more and more people that are turned inwards turning outwards . And having realizations like; aaahhhhh the Love flows now it does not seem stuck Oh why is the master standing in the middle of the circle full of energy and I dont have any?......... Because the master is living on that energy
As you turn outwards and radiate the energetic flow continues . The more energy you radiate the more energy, the more Love that your I Am Presence is able to download to you .. the more easy it is for you to communicate with your Monad enlightenment is the integration of the Monad on Earth . The Monad is all knowing, the Monad is all seeing, the Monad is Divine Balance.. The Monad is not separate from the Source of Creation. This is why it is often said that when you are enlightened you are all knowing because you have access to all of the knowledge in creation backwards and forwards in so called time. So the more you allow the Love to flow, the more you allow it to radiate through you, the easier it is for your Monad to ground this energy into you and through you .. Remember enlightenment or self realization, or however you would like to phrase it, is not a state of mind it is a state of being .. So radiate, radiate, radiate and let us see more people turning outwards and allowing the flow just to radiate across the Earth and throughout the Universe
So these activities should assist the family coming together and radiating this Love instead of looking inwards in small groups .So I will thank each and every one of you for your assistance in this. It is a very important activity that you have been engaged in together .
I would speak a few other words with you while I have the channel at my disposal ..
I encourage you, each and every one of you, to continue with this personal expansion because as you expand personally you will also make it possible to expand the energy. Some of you have been saying and agreeing that the Shamballa energy is expanding or some people say it is getting stronger or more focused however you word this as an individual. Of course, this is true.
Now you may ask yourself; what is the reason for this? Well of course we have expanded energies flowing in from the Universe which are not really present or havent been present on Earth before so this is changing the energetic frequencies of the planet. It makes it possible for faster vibrational energy to exist here more easily and to live more easily in this 3rd dimensional environment or this dimensional environment- but many of you are continuously expanding yourselves and I am going to say to you something that the channel is often saying; when you change the world changes.
Now when we say to you when you change the world changes you may think that this means that if we cease struggling inside and fighting ourselves and fighting each other that then others will stop fighting each other also. This explanation of this part of reality is that it is true and it is real but there is more to this expanding energy of Shamballa. Many of the masters are becoming clearer in themselves and they are understanding more and more how things work and what things are and are prepared to open themselves to be able to process these expanded energies that are flowing into the planet which in turn changes the nature of the physical body and the nature of the physical energy system and how the system can process energy or how energy can flow through the body. So it is an alchemical change that takes place in the body. So this is also a big part of it.
Some of the masters are saying that the Shamballa energy is stuck and has been the same now for a number of years and I cannot make it vibrate any quicker. Or I cannot ground any faster vibrational aspects of it. Well this is because they are not moving themselves and therefore their energy systems are not capable of processing these faster vibrational energies. So, it is very, very simple. The more each individual master expands in their capacity to ground energy and their understanding of the nature of true reality and the nature of consciousness well then the energy will continue to expand and continue to expand and continue to expand. So I encourage you to, those of you that are utilizing this energy and sharing it with others, to continue your own journey of self realization or your own journey and the energy or the essence of Shamballa will continue to expand upon the Earth because you will have continued grounding it. So this is my humble request to you or my humble suggestion however you would like to see that or receive it. So brothers and sisters of Shamballa it is a great pleasure just to interact with you like this and be able to share with you .. And from my heart I thank you for putting in the focus and the time . Not only into this activity in which you have just been engaged in but for everything that you do, for the openness of your hearts and for the Love that you radiate ..
I am Germain, namaste
Meginflokkur: Hari Baba | Aukaflokkur: Hugleišslur | Facebook
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